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Here we have Herbie. We love Herbie. Cant say he's the sharpest tool in the shed .... but dang does he try to help.'s Helpful Herbie. Have too many bags to bring up the stairs - Herbie is there! Ran out of coffee ---- toss a few pennies out the window and he will run to the corner and grab you some. He's warm in the winter - cool in the summer .... and everything is just right with Herbie. He loooooves his red scarf that sister made him. Oh boy - yes he does. Herbie can get a little confused if too many people start shoutin requests at him at once - so Stanley sees to it that people keep their cool and not go shoutin requests day n night. If you see Herbie a bit out of sorts like we see him here.... please be kind and tell him to rewind and relax and have a seat and get his red scarf all neat and tidy for a bit. This helps Herbie destress from all the helping out he does. And ...we hope sister is kind enough to be knitting a red hat to match his scarf - because that would keep Herbie oh so content too. Happy Spring Herbie!

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