BELOW: Thomas Kinkade Background for Bakshi / Frazetta Fire & Ice Film "Masks"
Thomas Kinkade along with his college buddy James Gurney walked into Bakshi Studios as a painting duo straight out of college at the early age of 21. Bakshi says Tom was genius at talking him into hiring both of them - even before he knew he was a marketing maven - he was a gifted salesman. As well as artist. Kinkade and Gurney worked their asses off perfecting the paintings that were to become backgrounds for Frazetta and Bakshi's Fire & Ice. Bakshi recalls this was the time Kinkade started playing with the idea of light and having it glow through the magical land that was being created.
James Gurney (Left and Thomas Kinkade (Right) working in Bakshi Productions on Frazetta/ Bakshi 'Fire & Ice'
BELOW:James Gurney "Ice Peak" Background for Bakshi / Frazetta Fire & Ice Film
(BELOW) Frank Frazetta (Left) and Ralph Bakshi (Right) in Bakshi Studios while making Fire & Ice